There's a nice mix of action and intrigue.
All tagged Arif Prianto
There's a nice mix of action and intrigue.
Bennett is doing a remarkable job.
Bennett is juggling many different elements of Sara's life.
There's a brilliant sense of balance that almost seems crushingly beautiful.
Cafaro delivers a very moody sort of action to the page.
Wilson’s script is as witty as it is complicated.
Bennet mixes the supernatural with the criminal.
The art team does a good job of harnessing the horror.
Bennett is really setting the stage for something massive.
Adams handles one of the oldest tropes in science fiction.
Cafaro has a solid sense of mood and tone.
Wilson, Takara, and Prianto continue to develop something truly distinct and distinctive.
Schultz does more than just create a female version of Moon Knight.
Wilson nails some of the more intriguing things that make Poison Ivy such a relatable character.
Waid’s narrative is subtly trippy on a number of different levels.
Ilhan and Morales openly embrace the garish nightmare.
Wilson is working brilliantly with both psychological and supernatural horror.
A brilliantly expressive story.
Wilson’s satirical wit slices through wealthy southern California health culture.
Rosenberg has a couple of really charming ideas for the Joker.