Adams handles one of the oldest tropes in science fiction.
All in Event
Adams handles one of the oldest tropes in science fiction.
Future State: Wonder Woman #1 explores an Earth where Yara Flor has risen to take the mantle of Wonder Woman, and she’s ready to take on Hades himself to bring one of her warrior sisters back to life.
The decision to split the hammer of the Accuser into four parts was either Captain Marvel’s best idea or her worst…she’s about to find out which it is.
The Empyre event comes to Captain Marvel with the release of Captain Marvel #18, an action-packed but emotional installment…
Despite starting as an “event,” the 2099 storyline ends as a small origin story.
Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1 is completely superfluous.
Once more, DOOM has one of the best books of 2099.
Absolute Carnage has been a good event, but it feels unfinished, and the final issue ends extremely abruptly.
Gorgeous art doesn’t stop Event Leviathan #6 from being a disappointment.
One of the best comics out there keeps getting better.
Event Leviathan has gained so much momentum that some of the parts seem to be falling off the sides, leading to an uneven but still entertaining penultimate issue.
Legion of Super-Heroes: Milliennium #2 is marginally more successful than the first, but it still suffers from many of the same problems that plagued the miniseries’ debut.
Frank Castle’s rampage of revenge draws in the unstoppable Juggernaut!
Event Leviathan #4 continues this fun, brisk, compelling mystery.
Fantastic art by four different superstar teams don’t help make Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #1 anything other than unnecessary.
Keeping the action within the Spider-family gives Absolute Carnage #2 tight focus and clear stakes.
Overall, Superman Year One #2 is slightly less offensive than the first issue; instead, it commits the even greater sin of being simply boring.
Year of the Villain: Black Mask #1 is a one-and-done comic done well.
The fully-painted art of Alex Maleev is the real star of Event Leviathan #3.
Nobody draws a symbiote better than Ryan Stegman in Absolute Carnage #1.