The constant peril is another clever stylistic Thompson addition to Diana’s narrative rendering.
All in Female Lead
The constant peril is another clever stylistic Thompson addition to Diana’s narrative rendering.
Phillips and Muzzo make a strong case for clean, simple action storytelling with a powerful lead in Shanna.
Campbell’s visuals are fabulous.
Sampere gives Diana that kind of stature that befits a legend.
Laura, Elektra and Erica are a lot of fun together.
Bennett is juggling many different elements of Sara's life.
deft pacing and a whole lot of cool.
Wong moves through some pretty. familiar territory.
Allen gives the action and drama a depth.
Young paces the issue quite well.
Cho really focusses the narrative tightly on the life, mental and emotional state of Dani.
Phillips is a hell of a writer.
It’s actually kind of weird that things move as slowly as they do.
Miyazawa manages a striking array of different subtleties.
There's a brilliant sense of balance that almost seems crushingly beautiful.
Grønbekk is traveling through some really interesting heroic territory.
it’s kind of difficult to get a feel for increasing tensions.
King has been playing a bit of a chess match.
Morozova has a very firm approach to the action.
Thompson has a unique and sparklingly witty energy.