Simmonds once again channels some very interesting energy.
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Simmonds once again channels some very interesting energy.
Hama renders a tight, little one-shot military story.
This issue opens with a comparison of various heroes and how many people they could kill per hour.
Frampton seems eager to share Baum’s world with the reader.
Palmiotti find a way to bring it all to the page
Williamson paces the issue pretty well.
Vecchio’s off-center framing of the action seems to be diving straight into Maddie.
Loughridge begins to gather everythign near the end of the series..
Lieberman comes dangerously close to completely fragmenting the plot.
The darkness in the series continues to deepen.
The two ends of the story feel remarkably well-articulated.
Orellana is working on a remarkably small canvas.
Niosi’s art has a thoughtful precision to it.
Bram and Jones keep everything firmly rooted in reality.
Snjelbherg fits the artwork over a very narrow sort of a genre.
Andreyko comes dangerously close to making a point.
Re balances the cramped conditions of the sub against the big intensity of the drama.
Frampton doesn’t bog-down the issue in too much dialogue or narration.
The genius of Hyde Street is that it tends to focus on the victims.