Loveridge has a lot going on.
All in Crime
Loveridge has a lot going on.
Sorressa and Atlansky manage a remarkably tight rendering of the script.
Barel and McFarlane manage to keep the drama running.
Bengal’s sharp sense of atmosphere gives the entire issue quite a bit of gravity.
That’s remarkably sharp prose.
There’s an encrypted otherworldliness about the experience.
McFarlane almost has the heart of a really good story.
Tyrion’s dialogue continues to feel very natural.
Bennett is really setting the stage for something massive.
Duggan delivers a witty, admirable thug to the page with charm
Trying to balance things a bit too much for its own good.
McClaren’s art is GORGEOUS.
McFarlane finds a lot of disjointed moments.
Terse dialogue and tight-lipped drama.
Lore and Meyer find the right angles for Alexis.
Andolfo and Blengino move the action around with a deft hand.
It’s not a mindless action story.
A nice closer for a fun drama.
Homicide detective cliches and stereotypes that have been echoing through crime fiction for nearly a century now.
A narrative voice that’s thick enough to be bulletproof.