Witchblade #8 // Review

Witchblade #8 // Review

Sara Pezzini is feeling like an imposter. So much of what she had been defined by had turned out to be resting on a bed of shifting shadows and now she’s not entirely certain quite what she is. It’s okay. Everybody feels like that e very now and then. Things are different for Sara, though. She’s become a home for a powerful magical artifac that serves as some kind of devastating weapon that isn’t really even hers. So what is? Sara is about to find out a bit more about that in Witchblade #8. Writer Marguerite Bennett continues a re-imagining of a beloved action hero with art by Giuseppe Cafaro and color by Arif Prianto.

The artifact has come to inhabit her body. So she hasn’t really even got her own body to consider hers. But she HAS got her mind. That’s the most important thing under the circumstances, but there’s going to be more to have to deal with...particularly as the rest of her life. seems to be falling apart and all she has is her detecitve work and her training with the weapone to keep her limited psychological equilibrium together. Even that sense of balance is soon to be tested.

Bennett is juggling many different elements of Sara's life. It's kind of difficult to keep it all moving without it slowing it down. However, the writer does a pretty good job of maintaining. The kind of momentum needed to keep the story moving. And that's really where.Bennett’s greatest strengths lie. A very grand sense of comprehensiveness about the script for each issue. It seems to be really covering every possible aspect of the life for woman who is gradually losing control over everything. But she still manages to persevere anyway. It makes her seem that like that much more of a hero. Quite an accomlishment on Bennett’s part.

Cafaro has a style that seems very much at home with the original inspiration behind the character and adventure. Fused as it is with everything that Bennett is doing with the script, the visuals of the current series feel like a very thoguhtful fusion between where the character had been before and what she is now. it's pretty impressive stuff straight through. It really interesting to see where it all comes. And where it all goes. Ultimately, it's going to be interesting to see where the art style depart from the original as the series progresses. Because it's inevitable that.Bennet is going to start to move pretty far from where the character has been in the past.

It's nice to get another pass at a character who really had a great deal of potential that never was quite met in any earlier incarnation of the series whether it be in animation or in live action TV or on any version of the comic book page. It was a really clever idea that never quite made the kind of mark it could have. Bennet and company are finally allowing Sara to make the kind of impact she always had the potential for.

Grade: A

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