The third issue of Boom! Studios’ Buffy reboot continues with a lot of place-setting and not much else.
All in Horror
The third issue of Boom! Studios’ Buffy reboot continues with a lot of place-setting and not much else.
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes confront monstrous darkness from all sides in Madripoor.
Harley gets all weird and buggy in a tribute to Kafka’s The Metamorphosis.
A funeral for an enemy, a reunion with an old flame, the return of a long lost friend, and more…
It’s a familiar story told in a unique voice by Orlando and Rossmo.
It’s up to the Exorsisters to confront the menace of The First Shadow.
When Bruce Wayne realizes the only way to stop this madman is to kill him, he must consider violating the very rule Batman won’t break…the same rule that created this insatiable villain—the Batman Who Laughs!
Laroche’s tale casts human politics against the overwhelming crush of an alien invasion.
is the IMMORTAL HULK too strong for Hell?
The debut issue of Marvel’s Journey Into Unknown Worlds features two alien parasite stories.
The initial issue lurks around…a clever, little plot structure featuring…breezy, little narrative chills.
A clever paranormal sitcom with wit and genuinely funny dialogue.
THE ONE BELOW ALL is revealed…
A ticking clock sets Batman on a trail throughout the different realities of the Multiverse…
Man-Bat narrates a quartet of nightmarishly sinister short stories, highlighting thus-far unseen members of the otherworldly magical collection known as The Otherkind.
The history of Detective Chimp’s damnation of Myrra, following the death of Jim Rook, is given prominence, while multiple mystic forces oppose the growing malevolence of Nabu (presenting as Doctor Fate).
Interspersed between somber, close-up shots of Detective Chimp drinking mournfully, are fanciful panels of dynamic battles involving magic and dragons.
Within the sparse pages of this special, Tynion IV is able to able to establish a new magical world order for the DCU, retcon an origin for the universe’s magic system, and provide an engaging and exciting story.
Lucifer, impatient and rueful, recovers from his wounds…