Gailey narrowly focuses the issue on a single encounter.
All in Female Lead
Gailey narrowly focuses the issue on a single encounter.
Perhaps it's not silly enough.
Shand might be trying to cram a BIT too much story into a single issue.
Wong places a bit of mystery into the action.
Mignola handles all of this with a very steady hand.
The visual of Hawkgirl is actually really, really cool.
Lore and Meyer find the right angles for Alexis.
Howard is having a delightful time nestling between dichotomy.
Ferreyra matches the heroism in Campbell’s story with powerful visuals.
Brusha’s plot structure moves things along swiftly.
Just over half of the issue is an interrogation in Purgatory.
Grønbekk opens the series with a well-woven first issue.
Avallone has more than a few genuinely funny moments here and there.
Mignola and Roberson do a very clever job of establishing the story's place in history.
The whole thing feels remarkably engaging.
Venditti and McKinney pound the story into the page with a clever poetry.
The big climactic conclusion is seriously funny.
Waid’s narrative is subtly trippy on a number of different levels.