Andolfo and Blengino move the action around with a deft hand.
All in Female Lead
Andolfo and Blengino move the action around with a deft hand.
As a writer, Kubert knows her own strengths as an artist.
A Culver-written Zatanna series would be great fun.
Things seem to shift quite a bit in the first half of the first issue.
Ravager feels like one of the more sophisticated treatments of the nightmare realm.
Ilhan and Morales openly embrace the garish nightmare.
A sharply clever job of articulating bewildering complexity.
Kim works with standard sci-fi tropes.
Rowell falls into uncomfortable romantic comedy territory.
Liu’s work is deep and resonant.
In theory, it should be a lot of fun.
Older closes out the adventure predictably.
As the issue opens, it DOES feel like anything could happen.
The art doesn't quite deliver the psychological impact of the drama.
Wong has the kernel of a good story.
The Unicorn Legacy is nothing if not cute.
There’s just enough tone and mood to the visuals to keep the pages turning.
Avallone playfully pushes Elvira through a couple of scenes.
Godlike aggression exploding across the page.
There is a genuine sense of warmth about the opening.