Jurgens has constructed a solid ending.
All in Action
Jurgens has constructed a solid ending.
As a writer, Kubert knows her own strengths as an artist.
It’s a simple and primal idea.
A Culver-written Zatanna series would be great fun.
Layman rides a pretty fine line between lighthearted situation comedy and something altogether darker.
It’s not a mindless action story.
Haun’s story might lack a little in vision.
Weisman keeps the action moving.
Cox puts Kong firmly in the background.
Grønbekk cleverly works with a large cast.
Marz is taking traditional notions of cosmic-level action and jostling them.
Another very strong and emotionally engaging story.
Jennings mixes interpersonal drama and cosmic-level superhero action.
Kim works with standard sci-fi tropes.
Brisson is bringing across a very vivid and arduous journey.
Percy has the basic elements of horror action done remarkably well
Wong crafts a pleasantly surreal encounter.
The writing team focuses on the street-level aspects of the supernatural.
Ziglar manages to make it look like a crazy last-ditch effort to save New York.
Onyebuchi is carving a very balanced path through the mind of Sam Wilson.