Jones’s charm slides across the page in a clever tumble.
All in Action
Jones’s charm slides across the page in a clever tumble.
Dives right into the life of Felicia once more with grace, poise, and style
Grønbekk crafts a very clever world in Limbo
Blood will flow.
Howard cleverly directs the flow of action.
Wijngaard balances the intense and intricate emotions against larger action
Abnett has firmly established the tone and rhythm of the series.
Johnson’s art bathes the story in heavy shadows.
The mercurial modulation of the art is particularly impressive.
Cloonan and Conrad have mastered the action sequence.
Kaplan's story is cute.
Charts a clever course between the fantastic and the mundane.
Enchantingly horrifying on so many levels.
The story moves briskly.
MacKay finds the perfect balance.
It’s Kaiju vs Megazord, as the Power Rangers take on Godzilla!
The opening 13 pages shoot by very quickly.
The overall premise for the series is interesting.
A story that casts the title character in a fresh perspective
A breezy adventure comedy