Peterson and Aubrey expand the cast of characters while adding some complexity to the world of the bastards.
All in Sci Fi
Peterson and Aubrey expand the cast of characters while adding some complexity to the world of the bastards.
The coming-of-age/frontline combat story continues to find a potent pulse in the series’ third issue.
It may be little more than another loser-saves-the-world storyline, but Remender and Larosa keep it fun.
A dark journey dwells on very intense events in the youth of the title character.
Old friends return and surprises abound.
Did anyone have “Eastman and Laird team up on a comic once more” on their 2020 bingo sheet?
Real love for the source material bleeds through the script.
All across the galaxy, things come together, both for good and for ill.
Not since the days of Peter David writing the Hulk has the leader been presented as such a serious threat.
The Flash Family must pull itself together like never before and bring an end to Thawne’s maniacal run once and for all.
In the year 2367, the human race has taken to scouring the “Big Dark,” aka space, for resources. The most valuable resource in space? Dead gods.
Wonderful reunions, vampires, and revelations are in store.
It may be lacking the spark that could make it brilliant, but the series continues to entertain.
If this issue isn’t proof that Bruce Banner is suffering under some sort of lifelong, bad luck “Thinner” curse, what else would it take to convince you?
This single issue gives you everything you could possibly want.
Big Girls #1 is a thrilling read that should be part of everyone's pull list.
It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly is missing from this arc, but it certainly is lacking some excitement.
Mila’s crew keeps growing.
Reverse-Flash is on a mission to finally take Barry down, and he's gathering an army of familiar faces from Flash's rogues' gallery to do it.
A nice break from the usual focus on the titular hero and still manages to move the story forward in a meaningful way.