Peterson and Aubrey expand the cast of characters while adding some complexity to the world of the bastards.
All in Independant Comics
Peterson and Aubrey expand the cast of characters while adding some complexity to the world of the bastards.
A promising series with LGBTQIA characters of color at the center of their own story.
The Power Rangers deal with love and loss in issue #21 of Go Go Power Rangers!
Who better to hunt down a mechanical demon than the part mechanical Mechanika?
It’s the calm before the storm, in issue #19 of Go Go Power Rangers.
While the midpoint entry in the Transformers Vs. Visionaries mini-series is a serviceable entry in the saga, it is not on par with the high points of issue #2.
An infamous historical figure is given brand new relevance in this title brought to readers by Dark Horse imprint Berger Books.
Kevin Panetta and Paulina Ganucheau continue to delight with their beautiful take on the Magical Girl genre!
Magdalene Visaggio and Fico Ossio build on the themes from last issue, by adding some doses of 80s action and mystical momentum!
Writer Magdalene Visaggio and artist Fico Ossio set the stage for the next big cross-over in Hasbro's shared comic universe.
Grace Ellis closes the first arc of Moonstruck with a suspenseful finish!
Valiant has been building team units from their stable of characters to great success in recent years, and the newest entry, Secret Weapons, shows a whole lot of promise