Diana enters a suburban town being attacked by LUST…
All in Fantasy
Diana enters a suburban town being attacked by LUST…
Save central city, or catch the trickster?
Though the introduction of a sword-and-sorcery Gotham City feels relatively predictable, the issue is not without its charm.
“A mighty princess forged in the heat of battle “
Dr. Strange contrasts against Galactus and Dormammu in a fun interaction that doesn’t quite live up to its potential.
The series take on a refreshingly fairytale storytelling quality as the origins of the mysterious world of Azoth are revealed.
Like all tabletop games, there comes a time where the players no longer want to play.
Can Aquaman Thwart Namma’s plan to restart the world???
Loki gets as close as can be with his dear old dad
It’s difficult to tell exactly where the final story lands in an issue that is largely satisfying.
Middlewest swings into a clever bit of momentum with this issue.
There are a few novel aspects to the issue that distinguish it as one of the better ones in the series thus far.
Wonder Woman and Giganta vs the Largest Titan EVER!
The level of cosmic conflict begins to feel a bit repetitious.
How do you fight a giant? Use a bigger giant! Unfortunately, the strongest one Wonder Woman knows hates her guts...
Prelude to war
Young and Corona are wisely allowing the fantasy to be fantastic on its own.
Giants, Titans, and Amazons… OH MY
Birth of a Trickster