Reis and Miki manage a really clever bit of visual humor.
All in Drama
Reis and Miki manage a really clever bit of visual humor.
Orellana brilliantly defines a deliciously simple metaphor.
very well-executed.
it's a solidly entertaining story.
Warren slams into it with quite a bit of detail.
The script and pacing are weirdly cool.
The constant peril is another clever stylistic Thompson addition to Diana’s narrative rendering.
Simmonds once again channels some very interesting energy.
Hama renders a tight, little one-shot military story.
Waid has a lot of moving parts at play.
Cuartero-Briggs maintains the tension with a solidly respectable rhythm.
Phillips and Muzzo make a strong case for clean, simple action storytelling with a powerful lead in Shanna.
Williams juggles quite a lot around the edges.
It's interesting to see how Bunn delivers the ending.
Priest allows the narrative to settle into a really nice rhythm.
Sampere gives Diana that kind of stature that befits a legend.
In space no one can hear you say, “I’ll be back.”
This issue opens with a comparison of various heroes and how many people they could kill per hour.
Frampton seems eager to share Baum’s world with the reader.
Laura, Elektra and Erica are a lot of fun together.