Clark and Higgins allow the story to slowly fade in around the edges.
All in Drama
Clark and Higgins allow the story to slowly fade in around the edges.
It’s really just one conversation.
Things seem to shift quite a bit in the first half of the first issue.
He’s a monster, but Lemire cleverly engenders sympathy for him.
Ravager feels like one of the more sophisticated treatments of the nightmare realm.
Ilhan and Morales openly embrace the garish nightmare.
Haun’s story might lack a little in vision.
Williamson is exploring aspects of Batman's past
Weisman keeps the action moving.
A sharply clever job of articulating bewildering complexity.
Grønbekk cleverly works with a large cast.
Another very strong and emotionally engaging story.
Rowell falls into uncomfortable romantic comedy territory.
Brisson is bringing across a very vivid and arduous journey.
Percy has the basic elements of horror action done remarkably well
Wong crafts a pleasantly surreal encounter.
The writing team focuses on the street-level aspects of the supernatural.
Onyebuchi is carving a very balanced path through the mind of Sam Wilson.
Not enough is actually happening on the page.
Guggenheim wraps the first story arc up with a bit of a surprise ending.