The detective learns about Laura.
All in Adult
The detective learns about Laura.
Doesn't really manage a hell of a lot of sophistication.
The Green Knight comes a-calling.
Ellie and Ryan both get missions.
The detective finds out more about William Myerson.
Worlds collide.
Someone tries to assassinate a presidential candidate… and it’s Rorschach… and it’s 2020.
All across the galaxy, things come together, both for good and for ill.
Not since the days of Peter David writing the Hulk has the leader been presented as such a serious threat.
Cates takes the time this issue to provide a much needed downbeat after an intense first six issues.
In the year 2367, the human race has taken to scouring the “Big Dark,” aka space, for resources. The most valuable resource in space? Dead gods.
Wonderful reunions, vampires, and revelations are in store.
If this issue isn’t proof that Bruce Banner is suffering under some sort of lifelong, bad luck “Thinner” curse, what else would it take to convince you?
Hulk sees a rare period of public acceptance, due to his heroics, but it’s not all sunshine and roses.
Mila’s crew keeps growing.
After a long hiatus, the creative team of Brandon Thomas and Khary Randolph return with the seventh installment of their highly acclaimed action fantasy series Excellence.
This issue is Ewing at his best, plain and simple.
Old friends return.
This month’s SFSX feels a lot like a post-mortem on the first six issues of the series.
Killadelphia has been extraordinary up to this point.