It’s a simple date between a couple of heroes.
All in Action
It’s a simple date between a couple of heroes.
A lot of weird energy flowing across the page.
Each of the Flashes has a distinct connection to the speed force.
Savage Avengers ends the only way it can: hard, fast, and with complete love for comics and the characters.
Slott takes a reasonably sophisticated approach.
Straight-ahead action mystery.
Wall and Haberlin set up quite a challenge for themselves.
A fair amount of the issue is dialogue-heavy exposition
On the surface, there REALLY isn’t much to the story.
Without the usual trappings of a Batman story, it’s just...Bruce Wayne.
A fast-paced rush behind enemy lines.
There’s a steady rhythm to the opening issue.
Kelly’s take on Peter’s personality is remarkably cool.
It’s all very familiar.
The conflict between Scarlet Witch and Nightmare’s daughter is cleverly rendered.
Fawkes has some good ideas.
It is so very rare that a superhero script truly seems at least kind of unpredictable.
Raynor draws heavy shadows over everything.
Johns is clearly going for something very, very ambitious.
Phillips is having fun.