Ewing runs through the opening issue with a degree of grace that matches that of his main character.
All in Action
Ewing runs through the opening issue with a degree of grace that matches that of his main character.
Taylor has a lot of story to tell in about 50 pages.
It’s not much, but it’s an ending.
It’s never anything other than stylish.
It’s kind of fun to see all of the sidekicks that Johns has created for Golden Age heroes.
Campbell has found an appealing way to make Mary Marvel seem that much cooler than Parker and Beck’s Captain Marvel.
Silence and precision are the perfect pairing for a “silent comic” format.
It’s always fun to see two Wonder Women team up.
A big, messy action issue.
Orlando crafts a clever premise for Wanda.
Zub and Fawkes have real potential in a series focusing on Arcade and Murderworld.
Lolli and Baldeón are clearly having a lot of fun.
A fun twist on the old “heroes forced to fight with villains” trope.
Major events to carry a hell of a lot of gravity.
The series isn’t spending nearly enough time focussing on Courtney.
Welcome to Ultron’s 2099, Savage Avengers. We hope you survive the experience!
Cloonan and Conrad elevate things quite a bit.
MacKay fuses espionage with realms of magic.
A clever scriptwriter who also happens to have a deep love for the world in which he’s writing.
Profoundly clever characterization.