The script and pacing are weirdly cool.
All tagged Dave Stewart
The script and pacing are weirdly cool.
Sorrentino has a gift for bringing breathtakingly real visages,
Basketful of Heads #3 is another solid entry in what is turning out to be the best of DC’s Hill House horror comics line.
Basketful of Heads #2 is a great horror comic.
Basketful of Heads #1 is an auspicious launch of DC’s new Hill House label.
In a time where Batman can’t escape his own inner demons, Brian Michael Bendis and Nick Derrington bring about a breath of fresh air.
Fantastic art by four different superstar teams don’t help make Legion of Superheroes: Millennium #1 anything other than unnecessary.
Year of the Villain: Black Mask #1 is a one-and-done comic done well.
Theshocking conclusion of the first chapter of JODY LEHEUP and NATHAN FOX's riveting sci-fi thriller THE WEATHERMAN.
This penultimate issue is filled with a morose vibe