Brusha’s plot structure moves things along swiftly.
All in Horror
Brusha’s plot structure moves things along swiftly.
The furtive “plap” of a severed head.
Beacham could slide off into a direction of intolerable cliche.
There's a lot of blasting and tumbling,
Avallone has more than a few genuinely funny moments here and there.
The drama-heavy issue is filled with lots of moody, atmospheric silences.
Mendonca and Lucas maintain a crazy energy about the nightmare.
Williamson has a classy sense of language.
Directionless energy allows Culver to explore the skewed psyches of his characters,
Kudranski’s attempts at the profound only occasionally brush against something other than cliche.
Layman rides a pretty fine line between lighthearted situation comedy and something altogether darker.
Cady takes his time slowly advancing into the site.
It’s really just one conversation.
He’s a monster, but Lemire cleverly engenders sympathy for him.
The heavy sketches of Porter’s work are well-suited to a nightmare realm.
Ravager feels like one of the more sophisticated treatments of the nightmare realm.
Ilhan and Morales openly embrace the garish nightmare.
Cox puts Kong firmly in the background.
A sharply clever job of articulating bewildering complexity.
Percy has the basic elements of horror action done remarkably well