Conrad and Cloonan usher Diana through the twists and turns of an Asgardian adventure.
All in Female Lead
Conrad and Cloonan usher Diana through the twists and turns of an Asgardian adventure.
Readers should be rooting for Logan to succeed, to find her place in a world that tells her she doesn’t belong anymore… Unfortunately, the art and lettering issues and the somewhat disjointed storytelling kept me from fully appreciating Logan’s journey.
Scout's Honor #5 is an emotional punch in the gut that sticks with you long after you read the last page.
Miyazawa has a brilliant grasp of subtlety and nuance.
Rafael de Latorre dances with Natasha.
Despite the balance between art and dialogue being off, Captain Marvel #28 sets up a very interesting scenario for the fallout from Carol's trip to the future.
An enjoyable execution of a fun premise.
V is sculpting an interesting life for Selina.
A fun trip outside the window into the weightlessness that awaits beyond life.
Slick and stylish fun.
The title seems to be gaining some creative momentum
Sly character development in the midst of rising action.
A fun, little excursion into realms of magic
The title character steps out of the center of the frame for a supporting role in her own.
Black Cat’s charm shines through in the end.
Goo's first outing with Moon is ridiculously fun.
It’s a very tight fit for the creative team.
Zadie's story shows some potential.
Grace keeps the action moving swiftly.
Marco B. Bucci’s story has lost a bit of momentum.