García nails some very vivid specific moments.
All in Action
García nails some very vivid specific moments.
Conuceiro has a solid grasp of the action as it flows across the page.
Schultz does more than just create a female version of Moon Knight.
Shaw has a beautifully vivid sense of kinetic action.
Loo dives a bit into the psyche of both Iron Man and Storm.
It’s a set-up for a Spider-Boy series.
Duggan lays out the opening action with wit and poise.
Scharf is really, really good with big crowd shots.
Zdarski makes Elektra seem like a much more interesting Daredevil.
Brisson establishes an interesting new era for the team.
Murphy, Collins, and McCormack dance lightly around the mythology of Gotham City.
Aragonés' delightfully silly comedy continues.
Lonergan's visual style steers clear of heavy detail AND clean lines.
The concept of the Joker with a day job is fun.
Niemand keeps the pacing very tight and precise in his Dredd story.
The script is fun.
Sutter rushes through a great many encounters in a single issue.
Johnson keeps the action moving as the story begins to reach its climax.
Ram V is riffing on themes floating through superhero fiction for decades.
Williamson ushers a couple of powerful Kryptonians through their greatest fears.