Zornow makes the visuals look cute without being overly cuddly.
All in Action
Zornow makes the visuals look cute without being overly cuddly.
Adams and company take a well-balanced approach to Hal and his life.
Another well-rendered, well-modulated issue.
Wagner and Dabbs conjure a brilliantly expressive first issue.
Madureira picks up the series more or less where he left it 22 years ago.
Moreci cleverly mixes modern language and culture into a sword-and-sorcery fantasy adventure.
It’s a nice progression from the first to the fifth issues.
Pacat and company continue to craft an appealing story.
The work of some really impressive talents.
Skroce has been using the series as something of a portfolio for his work.
Howard’s crisp dialogue and clever delivery keep things moving along beautifully.
Wells manages things as best as possible.
Landy does little to illuminate matters.
Hudlin and Chills keep the story centered solidly enough.
Morrison’s prose for the Hallmark story has a dreamy poetry about it.
Ram V’s narrative jumps around A LOT.
The psychic awareness gives Power Girl a whole new dimension.
Tynion is throwing a lot at the page.
Guggenheim has a good approach to Michelle’s big showdown.
Lewis doesn’t give a whole lot of definition between any of the warriors.