Craig’s story begins to take on a bit of its own personality.
All in Action
Craig’s story begins to take on a bit of its own personality.
Two reasonably old guys fight for a few pages.
Sniegoski fuses action with the supernatural and a traditional street-level crime.
The leap into action in the first issue is fun.
Bogani’s clean lines are beautiful.
A perfectly respectable retro 1940s superhero world.
Cantwell guides Patsy into a strange corner of the Marvel Universe.
A hint at just how clever a guy Tom Taylor is.
A well-balanced approach with a great deal of respect for nearly every character in the ensemble.
The right mixture of action and comedy for a decent Harley story.
The overall momentum of a sweeping action epic is capably maintained.
Rucka and Trautmann have perfected the precise blend of humor, action, and horror.
A fun way to celebrate her upcoming 800th issue in June.
Rodriguez’s heavy inks make for deeply expressive action.
Leon is brilliantly fluid with the sense of motion in the action.
Duggan’s central idea is pretty silly.
Burnett’s story works with time-worn action cliches.
It’s been a fun journey.
The three-person writing team is juggling a lot.
Adams is starting from a really nice point for any hero.