it gets pretty weak a couple of pages after the opening.
All in Sci Fi
it gets pretty weak a couple of pages after the opening.
Some of the heaviest stuff on the comics rack today.
Occasionally manage a kind of beauty.
Wheels are in motion in multiple directions.
Burnett’s story works with time-worn action cliches.
Blacktop Bill has an offer for the Sundogs.
Lanzing and Kelly dive straight into space western mode.
A huge range of different stories.
The kids take on a dangerous mission as Gwen tries to get the Robots to leave Landfall’s Coalition.
The drama comes across with striking clarity.
There is some intrigue involving political ambitions.
The Sundog Convoy hits Argus and learns more about Eos and the threat they face on the way there.
A very appealing run with the Flash family.
As the family deals with their own problems, the Will gets a surprise, and Agent Gale visits an old friend of Marko’s.
Savage Avengers ends the only way it can: hard, fast, and with complete love for comics and the characters.
Though Bonding didn’t live up to its potential, to the credit of the creative team, it’s a unique love story that took risks.
The family is caught back up in the war.
Sidney leaves the Academy to find the city.
Finally, Goten and Trunks share the spotlight for the first time since 1994!
Welcome to Ultron’s 2099, Savage Avengers. We hope you survive the experience!