There's a deep sense of emotional warmth.
All in Marvel Comics
There's a deep sense of emotional warmth.
Pepose is somewhat poetic with the narration.
It’s a fun approach to delivering the story.
Gurihiru’s adorable rendering of Jeff gets a cool twist.
The art team is a good portion of the reason why Hill’s script works.
Allen and Yeung move the action and suspense across the page.
Liefeld’s artwork certainly is...Liefeldy.
Wong places a bit of mystery into the action.
Beyond weird cliches, Segura actually does a really good job.
The art fusion on the issue is kind of weird and trippy.
The title character serves as more of a sidekick
The action smears itself across the page like a thick mucus.
Simonson deftly captures the rhythm and style of late 1960s’ Kirby and Lee.
Marz’s 1990s Marvel Universe continues to feel exceedingly comfortable.
Wells has really switched the direction of the series into action/comedy mode.
The whole thing feels remarkably engaging.
Grønbekk cleverly works with a large cast.
Marz is taking traditional notions of cosmic-level action and jostling them.
Another very strong and emotionally engaging story.
Jennings mixes interpersonal drama and cosmic-level superhero action.