The combustion at issue’s end more than justifies slow and restless rising tension that’s been going on all year.
All in Marvel Comics
The combustion at issue’s end more than justifies slow and restless rising tension that’s been going on all year.
The final issue of Meet the Skrulls is a satisfying conclusion, as the remaining members of the Warner family reclaim their identities.
Without the Devil, how does Matt Murdock move on?
There's no downtime for heroes when there's a crisis. Captain Marvel and Black Widow are fighting the Enchantress' forces in Rio de Janeiro, trying to keep the country from being overwhelmed with the dead. It's a job too big for even these two powerhouses, and they call in Doctor Strange for backup.
Seven heroes of varying moral alignment, a handful of Iron Man drones, one artifact infecting people with a strange “virus,” and an infected scientist. Mix in distrust between team members and leadership disputes and get a recipe for chaos at best, and total disaster at worst.
An indie-style drama reaches the heaviest point in an issue that gradually builds into promising combustion.
The strange dynamic between the four giant heroes is remarkably witty.
Is Cul Borson redeemable at all?
The one monster who never dies — who returns, again and again, to hate and destroy.
Kamala has had her hands full keeping Jersey City safe as Ms. Marvel, while juggling school, friendships, and her parents expectations for her future. But as soon as she starts to get the hang of things, another challenge comes her way
Jason Aaron focusses on Gorilla-Man during an invasion of Dark Elves.
The Amazing Nightcrawler really feels like it’s becoming interesting one month before it ends.
A genuinely interesting fusion between cosmic sci-fi and dark magical fantasy in the Marvel Universe.
This issue of Miles Morales Spider-Man introduces a compelling new character to the Spider-Man mythos.
Wolverine and Hector, keeper of the Time Stone, are in the clutches of the Fraternity of Raptors. Will Loki be able to save them in time?
Die Hard, with a Gray Hulk
The X-Men battle the Marauders.
A character-driven ensemble drama that isn’t quite living up to its potential.
In the space of a world created to live for only half a year, Thompson and Nadler appear to have a bit too much to try to tackle.
Carves an emotionally engaging, little corner of the Marvel Universe with a series that meets a satisfying end.