Spider-Man: Life Story continues to be uneven, but this issue is a strong improvement over the last issue.
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Spider-Man: Life Story continues to be uneven, but this issue is a strong improvement over the last issue.
It’s one of those relatively rare issues which manages to be deeply, deeply satisfying even though nothing significant actually happens.
The X-Tracts make for a particularly interesting bit of drama their third time out.
This story is over the top ridiculous in the best way. It's an absolutely hilarious meme-filled shitposting dream. There's no better way Spider-Man and Deadpool's adventure could've ended.
Carol has been reluctant to trust Som and Rogue but her options are limited, and she's rapidly running out of time.
Let’s gather around and listen to Uncle Ghost Rider tell another tale, this time about the X-Men.
With the War of Realms raging on, is it possible for the Champions to survive?
Tony Stark’s Iron Man Drones are exceptional at their job, which is to provide security and keep unauthorized aircraft out of the sky. Unfortunately for the Hotshots, they’re considered an unauthorized aircraft. But are you really saving the world unless you run into a few unexpected setbacks?
Logan returns to the Wastelands!
The X-Men bury one of their own.
A straightjacketed mistress of magnetism has a chance encounter with a couple of keys, and then all hell breaks loose.
Meet the Skrulls #4 opens with a battle scene and ends with a shooting. Every moment in between is a goldmine of compelling action and deepening character. As the second-to-last issue of this spectacular spy miniseries, this issue is packed with reveals, returns, and reversals.
Savage Avengers #1 is gorgeous, but unsatisfying--not a meal, but a tiny snack.
Somewhere in the 1970s, writer Roy Thomas decided that it might be cool to create a team for Marvel that was based on the Justice League. Years later, the team returns again in the latest issue of The Avengers.
Williams delves a bit deeper into the inner psychology of romance in a world where love is outlawed in a well-constructed emotional narrative.
Dr. Strange contrasts against Galactus and Dormammu in a fun interaction that doesn’t quite live up to its potential.
Cyclops makes a big decision about the X-Men’s future and they tackle the Brotherhood.
Wolverine and Loki take on the Fraternity of Raptors!
No one told Kamala being the chosen one would be easy. No one told her she was the chosen one at all until aliens showed up and started making gelatinous copies of her family.