Gillen is jumping around in history quite a bit over the course of the issue.
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Gillen is jumping around in history quite a bit over the course of the issue.
Pirzada’s script juggles quite a few characters.
There’s an encrypted otherworldliness about the experience.
Tynion cleverly plays with some of the more prominent bits of legend .
Watters finds a way around the cliches.
Schultz is working with various cyberpunk tropes.
Posehn and Thompson have some degree of narrative momentum going into this issue.
McFarlane almost has the heart of a really good story.
Zdarsky frames the action quite well.
Andreyko certainly makes the title character an appealing monster.
Johns rides a very fine line between laughable silliness and poetic, legendary heroic action.
Benitez and Chen manage a pretty tight chapter.
Van Poelgeest frames every scene in the issue like it's an inexplicably, beautiful, little narrative poem.
It's very well constructed chapter in a largely satisfying series.
Thompson’s brilliantly casual wit animates Scarlett’s narration.
A fun, little dramatic moment for the series.
Sparrow and Cracker’s work is gorgeous.
Busiek and Nicieza are definitely making progress.
Johns works a fun premise.
McFarlane has a couple of fun ideas in the issue.