So much is seen through the eyes of the two children.
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So much is seen through the eyes of the two children.
There are several thematic layers to Tynion’s story.
Such a weird superhero casserole.
The drama feels a little sluggish.
Family drama that’s been somewhat gracefully welded into an action espionage story.
Terse dialogue and tight-lipped drama.
Clearly a story of one of the most horrifying prisons imaginable.
Wagner puts the pieces together almost perfectly.
It’s one long chase scene.
Flores has a very slick composition on the issue.
It’s like something blew up on the page.
A perfectly respectable family drama.
The intrigue continues.
Brusha’s plot structure moves things along swiftly.
Ahmed manages to construct a thoroughly engrossing action drama.
Doesn’t really get particularly interesting until Nathan and Marshall sit down to make a decision.
A very earthbound sense of life-or-death survival.
The furtive “plap” of a severed head.
Seems to actually kind of reach for something deeper than the silliness.
There's a lot of blasting and tumbling,