It’s a sitcomic book and wouldn’t feel quite right in any other format.
All in Image Comics
It’s a sitcomic book and wouldn’t feel quite right in any other format.
Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, but can Baal go through with this one?
Mike Blackburn and Grace Moody can’t catch a break. They can’t hide but they can try to run for their lives. Cemetery Beach #4 continues with nonstop action and mystery written by Warren Ellis, art by Jason Howard, and lettering by Fonografiks.
What if you went to a magical world and things went really, really horribly?
Theshocking conclusion of the first chapter of JODY LEHEUP and NATHAN FOX's riveting sci-fi thriller THE WEATHERMAN.
Death battles the Horsemen’s forces and Babylon makes a choice that could bring the end closer.
Heloise, a woman trapped in an abusive relationship, is at a crossroads: she can take the power Mahalia, a voodoo priestess, offers and make a better life for her and her child, or she can take her chances staying with her husband, Jean-Pierre, and hope Mahalia’s dark visions do not come true.
Mike Blackburn’s life is turning into the embodiment of the phrase “out of the frying pan, into the fire.” Aside from his temporary partner, Grace Moody, everyone on the planets seems to be out to capture or kill him, and he doesn’t know if anyone will be waiting to rescue him.
The lighter side of The Wicked + The Divine.
ICE CREAM MAN continues with another dreary confection.
Humphries continues to deliver a fun adventure into a mix of magic and the modern world.
The Wytches: Bad Egg Halloween Special works as a perfect reintroduction to the world of Wytches, and sets the stage for volume two of the series.
Being stranded on an unknown planet in a rundown colony is bad. Being hunted down by the leaders of the colony is even worse. Unfortunately for soldier Mike Blackburn, this is where he finds himself at the start of Cemetery Beach issue two…
Jook Joint is a dark and macabre story following Mahalia, the proprietor of a jazz club who, much like the rest of the women in this world, is not what she seems. Mahalia is also a powerful voodoo priestess with a score to settle with abusive men.
The House of Mao is on the warpath and the Endless Nation stands in their way.
Jen Bartel’s gorgeous art has a luminous heat radiating through the sleepless dream of the narrative.
A nun who is a devil takes a confession from a monster….
Telling a full story in seven issues is a lot to ask, and telling a good story even more so, but the team behind Cemetery Beach seems more than up to the task.
Laura gives up more than her divinity as Minerva and Woden get closer to making all their plans come to fruition.
Persephone and Baphomet have a dead body to deal. Meanwhile, Minerva and Woden hold Cassandra and the Norns hostage.Then it gets really crazy.