Andolfo establishes a cozy adventure for Bettie.
All in Female Lead
Andolfo establishes a cozy adventure for Bettie.
Howard’s crisp dialogue and clever delivery keep things moving along beautifully.
The psychic awareness gives Power Girl a whole new dimension.
Guggenheim has a good approach to Michelle’s big showdown.
Masellis’s art is totally in love with the casual beauty of Gail.
Sniegoski fuses action with the supernatural and a traditional street-level crime.
Bogani’s clean lines are beautiful.
A perfectly respectable retro 1940s superhero world.
Cantwell guides Patsy into a strange corner of the Marvel Universe.
The right mixture of action and comedy for a decent Harley story.
The overall momentum of a sweeping action epic is capably maintained.
Rucka and Trautmann have perfected the precise blend of humor, action, and horror.
Rowell has found a really impressive rendering of all of the different angles on Jen’s life.
A fun way to celebrate her upcoming 800th issue in June.
Rodriguez’s heavy inks make for deeply expressive action.
Leon is brilliantly fluid with the sense of motion in the action.
Kim is plunging Cindy into her own Spider-Verse.
It’s been a fun journey.
Liesel comes across as a fun hero here, but she deserves better.
Wilson is working brilliantly with both psychological and supernatural horror.