It’s nice to see another Cloonan and Conrad story for DC.
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It’s nice to see another Cloonan and Conrad story for DC.
Howard is having a delightful time nestling between dichotomy.
Williamson throws a whole bunch of different Superman tropes into the blender.
Waid DOES make the climax of the storyline quite a bit of fun.
Ferreyra matches the heroism in Campbell’s story with powerful visuals.
Ayala and Draper-Ivey have rather meticulously led the hero.
A fusion of a mutation of a few other characters.
It never really gets into the deeper implications.
The casual brutality at the end of the issue is a bit intense.
Mendonca and Lucas maintain a crazy energy about the nightmare.
Williamson has a classy sense of language.
The big climactic conclusion is seriously funny.
Bayliss and Monti keep the emotional end of the conflict solidly grounded.
Waid’s narrative is subtly trippy on a number of different levels.
A Culver-written Zatanna series would be great fun.
Directionless energy allows Culver to explore the skewed psyches of his characters,
The heavy sketches of Porter’s work are well-suited to a nightmare realm.
Ravager feels like one of the more sophisticated treatments of the nightmare realm.
Ilhan and Morales openly embrace the garish nightmare.