Johns has been taking his time delviering the more intense moments in the series.
All tagged Paul Pelletier
Johns has been taking his time delviering the more intense moments in the series.
Johns rides a very fine line between laughable silliness and poetic, legendary heroic action.
Hama continues to grind through a battle on U.S. soil.
Hama isn’t working on anything too terribly deep here.
Hama has been juggling big ensembles and thick plots for decades now.
The three stories have enough variation between them to make for a satisfying anthology.
It’s a very tight fit for the creative team.
Grace keeps the action moving swiftly.
Writer and artist manage a very emotionally engaging one-shot.
Pure adventure that reaches for precisely what it achieves.
The action is given its place in the art while the emotion is given its place in the dialogue.
A really satisfying pairing of plot trajectories for the young Barbara Gordon.
Mairghread Scott launches Babs on a journey that lands her straight into a very strange and deadly den of criminals.
Shadows of the past haunt a young masked crimefighter.
a badass heroine trying to aid in a fair election in Gotham City
Father/daughter stress can be tense. When the father is a police commissioner and his daughter is a masked vigilante, things can become all the more tense.
The chip granting Bab’s mobility keeps shorting out in the aftermath of her clash with Grotesque