Williamson paces the issue pretty well.
All tagged Joshua Williamson
Williamson paces the issue pretty well.
Williamson is able to show a true darkness in the villains.
Riley has an explosive sense of action.
Williamson manages a very tight combination of familiar and unfamiliar elements.
Waid orchestrates a fun “getting the team together” sort of an issue.
Williamson finds an interesting angle for the Absolute Power crossover.
Williamson places Deadman at the center of the climactic action.
Williamson ushers a couple of powerful Kryptonians through their greatest fears.
Williamson carefully crafts a series of scenes.
Williamson throws a whole bunch of different Superman tropes into the blender.
Williamson has a classy sense of language.
It’s really just one conversation.
The heavy sketches of Porter’s work are well-suited to a nightmare realm.
Williamson is exploring aspects of Batman's past
The danger that Williamson is applying to the page feels real and present.
Superman learns more about Dr. Pharm and Graft as they recruit a new pawn to attack the Man of Steel.
Superman finally accepts help from Lex and SuperCorp to battle the Parasites.
Superman has to figure out a way to deal with the more dangerous Parasite.
Superman is back in Metropolis, but he’s getting some unwanted help.
Lex Luthor makes the ultimate power play, and Superman responds.