Johns has been taking his time delviering the more intense moments in the series.
All tagged Geoff Johns
Johns has been taking his time delviering the more intense moments in the series.
Johns and company deliver a really impressive second issue.
Johns’ script works on a few different levels.
Johns rides a very fine line between laughable silliness and poetic, legendary heroic action.
Johns works a fun premise.
Truly fresh and invigorating on a variety of different levels.
A surprisingly psychological fifth chapter of the series.
Theoretically Redcoat could turn into something.
Johns lays-out a very clear physical conflict between three men and a two-headed dog.
It’s sci-fi action with animals and Fabok is handling admirably.
Frank has developed a really unique visual signature for the character.
Johns is a genuine fan of the conflict between the two Earths.
A well-balanced approach with a great deal of respect for nearly every character in the ensemble.
It’s been a fun journey.
Johns is juggling a great many heroes here.
Janin and Ordway play to a rather deft balance between action and drama.
Johns has done an impressive job.
Johns is clearly going for something very, very ambitious.
It’s kind of fun to see all of the sidekicks that Johns has created for Golden Age heroes.