Johns has been taking his time delviering the more intense moments in the series.
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Johns has been taking his time delviering the more intense moments in the series.
Jones and Bram deliver a solid earthbound reality to the page.
Reynolds’ vision of the old west is very gritty.
Riley has an explosive sense of action.
It's an interesting amplification of the type of reality.
Araújo manages to find the right angles for all of the action.
Riegel and Beatty carry the drama off pretty well.
Tamaki continues to have fun with a fish out of water or sort of a situation.
An interesting amplification of aggression.
Vecchio manages to find a way to make it work.
Visuals continue to be really appealing.
A clever patchwork of various elements.
Williams keeps it sharp for his tale of Terry and the dummy.
Corona’s art is extremely textured.
Bennet mixes the supernatural with the criminal.
Barberi’s art continues to look like a suitably exaggerated sort of an action horror thing.
Seeley has a really interesting world that he’s been working with.
Young continues an admirable amount of character development for Gert.
Orellana frames the basic premise of the series with impressive concision.
O’Malley dives right into the early stages of a very cute romantic relationship.