It’s one long chase scene.
All in Image Comics
It’s one long chase scene.
Flores has a very slick composition on the issue.
It’s like something blew up on the page.
A perfectly respectable family drama.
The intrigue continues.
Brusha’s plot structure moves things along swiftly.
Ahmed manages to construct a thoroughly engrossing action drama.
Doesn’t really get particularly interesting until Nathan and Marshall sit down to make a decision.
A very earthbound sense of life-or-death survival.
The furtive “plap” of a severed head.
Seems to actually kind of reach for something deeper than the silliness.
There's a lot of blasting and tumbling,
There’s a primal, sweeping sense of action.
Burnett knows how to frame a heroic adventure.
The drama-heavy issue is filled with lots of moody, atmospheric silences.
As a writer, Kubert knows her own strengths as an artist.
It’s a simple and primal idea.
Kudranski’s attempts at the profound only occasionally brush against something other than cliche.
There’s scarcely a subplot in sight.
Layman rides a pretty fine line between lighthearted situation comedy and something altogether darker.