The heroes of the Earth clash with Pariah and Deathstroke’s Dark Army as the Justice League makes their escape plan.
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The heroes of the Earth clash with Pariah and Deathstroke’s Dark Army as the Justice League makes their escape plan.
Cloonan and Conrad do a brilliant job of drawing Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman together.
Ridley has set himself up for a hell of a challenge.
The action sequence at the heart of the issue is fun.
Brisson whisks the action through five different locations in less the 20 pages.
Georgiev’s art is by far the sleekest in the issue.
Wilson’s dive into the psyche of Ivy gets considerably deeper and darker.
Campbell and Shaner manage to keep everything feeling so specific to Mary.
Melnikov gives the page a stern darkness.
Phillips is keeping Harley in a Harley state of mind,
Dano and Subic’s Gotham is a fun place to visit.
Abel competently handles the flow of action.
The horror isn’t actually disgusting or just looks cool.
Superman’s day takes a turn.
As the heroes come up with a plan to deal with Deathstroke’s Dark Army, the Justice League confronts Pariah.
The relationship between Nightwing and Batgirl really feels like the emotional center.
Impressive and thoroughly immersive work of the art team.
Ridley’s journey is a fun one.
Cloonan and Conrad exquisitely sculpt the drama.
Cloonan and Conrad cleverly work an extended ensemble of characters.