McKay’s clever connection with Black Cat livens-up another fun issue.
All tagged Jed Mackay
McKay’s clever connection with Black Cat livens-up another fun issue.
MacKay shows that he has a really solid grasp of what makes the X-Men appealing.
MacKay shows considerable talent for finding a stylish way to bring out the clever corners of the Marvel Universe.
Jed MacKay manages a few remarkable tasks in a multi-layered chapter.
MacKay takes a Marvel criminal and hands him a scenario that really has no business being anywhere near as entertaining as it is.
MacKay's characteristic humor serves this series well.
MacKay keeps the action rolling.
MacKay and Villa put together a fun, little heist.
A very charming personality develops from this in very subtle and intricate ways.
Madripoor feels very much like a natural habitat for Black Cat.
MacKay’s fusion between humor and action continues to make this series one of Marvel’s most satisfying.
The departure from a narrow focus on Felicia compromises the charm of the series.
A brilliant approach to an Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider-style adventure…with a bit of Ocean’s Eleven thrown-in.
Dialogue between Black Cat and her date is contrasted against the desperate entanglement of her former mentor.
Felicia’s emotional somersaults in and amidst the action is great fun.
A whimsical sense of narrative tilt in another deliciously entertaining issue.
Writer Jed MacKay delivers another story of weirdly stylish larceny.
Burglary mixes with mysticism in a cleverly simple story brought to the page with very stylish art.
Black Cat is given her big series intro in a fun story that firmly establishes a classy mood.