It’s a fun little exercise.
All in Marvel Comics
It’s a fun little exercise.
It’s fun action with just enough depth to keep the reader interested.
Grønbekk delivers a truly beautiful fantas.
The Hour of Uranos is expanded upon.
The battle against the Uni-Mind brings Exodus back to his past.
MacKay takes the opportunity to really explore Moon Knight and it works beautifully.
As the war between the Eternals and mutants begins, the Avengers prepare for the worst.
Appealingly slick and magical.
A funhouse head trip of a second issue.
A compelling and artfully-framed backstory.
A very strong indie comics vibe
Druig begins to plan for his war against mutantkind.
Wolverine and Deadpool confront Danger.
The Savage Avengers set a trap for Deathlok.
Emma Frost has some news for the Quiet Council, which changes everything for the group.
Sabretooth's plan comes to fruition.
Life and death are on the menu.
Cerebrax takes its toll on Krakoa.
Sabretooth and company get closer to their destiny
Jones’s charm slides across the page in a clever tumble.