Detective Comics #1004 // Review

Detective Comics #1004 // Review

Even with just an origin story, Peter J Tomasi and Brad Walker know how to set up and deliver yet another exciting and memorable issue for this new run. With polished art and a polished script, this dynamic duo continues to produce the premiere Bat-title on the market and show fans and contemporaries how he is supposed to be written. With an unexpected reveal of the new villain, this series continues to defy expectations and deliver a title fans can really fall behind.


As Batman learns the truth behind his new adversary’s identity, their past comes into the light from the mouth of their father. Throughout their life, Batman would enter in and out and leave a long lasting impression on the people she cared about, leading toward their training of ultimately taking down the Dark Knight once and for all. With the inmates of Arkham on the side of this new villain and their army, Batman and Robin will finally face down against the Arkham Knight and their forces without holding back.


Bradley Walker’s clean pencil work makes for a stark contrast from the visceral pencils of Doug Mahnke. The beautiful intricacies are continually highlighted by the inks of Andrew Hennessy, as he adds the pop to each line. Nathan Fairbairn’s color work adds that clean saturated look to this arc and continues to deliver the high gloss he est pushed previously. Walker’s pencil work set the series head and shoulder apart from any other Bat-related title currently on store shelves.


As Peter J Tomasi continues to reinvent this new villain, his ability to even make an origin story an exciting issue and organize use of continuity further displays his sheer love for this universe and its characters. Tomasi is one of the few writers who can blend new ideas with what has come before yet make it all work as one cohesive and organic unit. Working at his best, Tomasi continually fires on all cylinders and delivers a fascinating issue month in and month out.


As the series progresses, Tomasi’s ability to build towards something more lavish and grand while still delivering exciting new chapters between each new revelation altogether leave fans clamoring for the next. Brad Walker proceeds to be the artist for the job with his clean pencil works and his ability to visually stand apart from his own contemporaries. Once again, Detective Comics proves to be the peak Batman title currently with no end in sight for this uncontested victory.

Grade: A

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