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Domino #6 //Review

Killer Instinct, the first arc of Domino’s solo run, comes to an end with issue six. It is written by Gail Simone with art by David Baldeón, colors by Jesus Aburtov and letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles. This issue is the darkest thus far, as the conflict between the villains, Topaz and Prototype, and Domino comes to a head.

While the issue briefly checks in on Domino’s friends and their subplot from the last issue, the majority of the issue focuses on the main event, which helps keep the action cohesive and the plot moving forward. There is a sense of finality in the fight; it’s the last showdown and only one side will walk away victorious.

Simone writes dark and difficult situations in this issue. Domino continues to struggle with the circumstances that gave her powers. Characters are written in a way that makes it is possible to feel sympathy for them regardless of which side they are on. Domino is forced to make choices that test not only her control over her powers, but also her morality. She also continues her struggle to overcome her past to move on with her present.

Baldeon's art features clean lines, so that, even during action sequences, the characters are still detailed and distinguishable from one another. Aburtov’s colors fit the overall tone of the story. They are dark, going with the darker tone of this issue. The colors also stay within similar color families, keeping them from overpowering the rest of the art.

 While the story is dialogue heavy, the pacing is fast enough to stay engaging. This issue was the most well put together of the arc, a satisfying conclusion, while also leaving enough open for continuing adventures. Domino has a solid creative team, and has gotten off to a good start as an interesting and entertaining comic. Hopefully, this lucky streak continues.