S.W.O.R.D. #8

S.W.O.R.D. #8

Storm is challenged for the Regency of Arakko in S.W.O.R.D. #8, by writer Al Ewing, artist Guiu Vilanova, colorist Fernando Sifuentes, and letterer Ariana Maher. This issue shows just how good this book can be when it isn’t neck-deep in crossovers.

Storm is challenged in the Great Ring and makes quick work of her opponent. Later, in a Council meeting, she has words with Tarn, who she warned about going to Arakko. He challenges her, and so it’s back to the Great Ring. Tarn takes away her power, thinking that it will help and changes her very body. However, Storm has always been more than her powers, and using a knife thrown at her earlier in the Council meeting stabs Tarn in the heart. They have a stand-off and Tarn yields, decrying Storm to be of Arakko and possibly even Amenth.

S.W.O.R.D. has always been a book with a lot of potential, but it got bogged down in crossovers. Ewing remains one of Marvel’s foremost sci-fi voices, so it makes sense that this book got drawn into those sorts of stories. The problem being that S.W.O.R.D. has way more potential than just being the crossover sci-fi book, and this issue is a perfect indication of that. Ewing writes an amazing Storm.

While he doesn’t really bring anything new to Storm- anyone who didn’t realize that she was going to use that knife against Tarn has never read a Storm story before- but he captures her well. Storm has always been one of the toughest X-Men of them all, and this issue shows just why that is. One gets the impression that for the Arakki, powers are everything, but Storm has been without them. The moment Tarn took her powers away, he didn’t realize that he was putting himself at a disadvantage. From there, the whole thing is academic.

Vilanova is new to the book, but his art makes an impression right away. From the opening pages of Storm flying to the Great Ring to the first fight there and the Council meeting and the battle against Tarn, Vilanova nails every panel. He gets some good body horror when Tarn causes Storm’s body to sprout tumorous growths and tentacles.

S.W.O.R.D. #8 shows off just what this book can be when it’s not bogged down in whatever sci-fi crossover Ewing gets it involved in. This is a great Storm-centric issue, showing her new life as Regent of Arakko, and it honestly kind of makes a body want a Storm on Arakko book. Vilanova does a fantastic job with the art. This issue doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but it is good fun.

Grade: B

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