The Terrifics #2

The Terrifics #2

Having been trapped within the Dark Multiverse last issue, the four heroes must now work together to get back home.

Jeff Lemire seamlessly blends each character together giving them each their own specific role within the team. Ivan Reis pencils another jaw droppingly beautiful issue, along with guest artist Jose Luis to pick up slack on the slower scenes while maintaining a uniform look. This title manages to carry on the fast pace, losing no steam between this issue and the last while continuing to push the boundaries of what it means to be a team. Where this title could completely cop out and fall into overused comic tropes, Lemire presents a new look on the old team dynamic, keeping readers guessing with each issue.


Ivan Reis yet again shows his absolute master artistry in this issue. With all the detail Reis put into this huge Dark Multiverse scenes it becomes more apparent why another artist was needed to help finish the issue. Guest artists can be a gamble, even just from issue to issue, yet alone within a single one. Where the change in pencils can be jarring to readers, Jose Luis’ pencils mirror Reis’ style enough to go relatively unnoticed between scenes. Reis gives the Dark Multiverse more life, adding a very specific look to the new corner in the DC Universe, but it is Marcelo Maiolo's unique color pallet that truly solidifying this look.


The last issue had been built more to establish the main characters and set up for when the protagonists come together as the titular team while this issue is able to delve more into the team aspect. Showcasing how the cast can work together with their own individual specific roles, Lemire does an excellent job presenting to the reader how the characters will function as a team from here on out giving them a natural fit together. The team aspect shines brightest in this issue never coming off as a forced interaction between characters.


Maintaining the unofficial title of ‘best series’ from DC'S New Age of Superheroes, The Terrifics yet again proves it's worth to readers with another fast paced issue. Never sticking to just one note, whether it's the good cop bad cop relationship between Plastic Man and Metamorpho, to the stoic Mr Terrific, to the mysteries behind Phantom Girl and the Dark Multiverse, this series brings a new symphony of diverse tones for readers to fall in love with each month.


Grade: A

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