Superman: Son Of Kal-El #9 — You Don't Read Comics
Superman: Son Of Kal-El #9

Superman: Son Of Kal-El #9

Superman and Nightwing team up to fight The Rising in Superman: Son Of Kal-El #9, by writer Tom Taylor, artist Bruno Redondo, inker Wade Von Grawbadger, colorist Adriano Lucas, and letterer Wes Abbott. This issue continues the team up from Nightwing #89 and is one of the best issues of this book so far, which is high praise.

Superman uses Nightwing as bait to draw out Risk's killers. They throw Nightwing off a building, but Superman is there to save the day. He fights the three of them off. Two escape into LexCorp Tower, and they hold the third. In Gamorra, Bendix hits the termination code of the held villain, killing him right in front of Superman and Nightwing. Later at the Kent house, Dick asks Lois to join The Truth and then talks to Jon about what happened that day and being a superhero. Jay bursts in and shows the two of them that Bendix has released the video of the killer dying. Blaming Superman for the whole thing, adding a new aspect to the battle between Bendix and Superman.

Taylor is putting out some of the best straight-up superhero books on the market right now, and this issue is yet another fine example of why. From the action-packed beginning to the moment of failure in the middle to the hero bonding of the end, Taylor nails every single plot beat of this issue. This book has been great up to this point, but this issue really goes above and beyond with it. It also presents a fascinating way to write a crossover.

Taylor wrote the first part of this story in Nightwing #89. The beginning of the issue feels like a continuation of that book, except with Jon's narration. All of the hallmarks of an issue of Nightwing are there- the dynamic action, the visual gags, all of it. Then, about halfway through, the tone shifts, and it becomes a Superman comic. It's a great way of doing it, especially not everyone reading Nightwing is reading this book. Taylor eases them in and hooks them, giving them a taste of what this book is about. It's not really possible in most books because crossovers aren't always written by the same writer, but it's a great way to do it. It also builds the plots of this book, with Lane joining The Truth, revealing more about how much Luthor and Bendix are working together and bringing a new aspect to the battle between Jon and Bendix. All in all, a great crossover comic, one that actually matters to this book.

Redondo does art on the book, and it's incredible. Redondo is one of the best action artists in comics right now, especially when he's drawing Nightwing. He understands Nightwing as a character and how he moves, which comes through every time he draws him. He does a great job with Superman as well and the end of the issue, with Dick and Jon talking, really shows just how great his character acting is.

Superman: Son Of Kal-El #9 is just a wonderful comic. Crossing over Nightwing and Superman was a great idea, and Taylor nails every story beat in this issue. Redondo continues to be one of the best pencilers working in the industry today. This is just a stellar issue from start to finish.

Grade: A+

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