YDRC's Premier Panels of 2/27/19 — You Don't Read Comics
YDRC's Premier Panels of 2/27/19

YDRC's Premier Panels of 2/27/19

Welcome to Premier Panels! You Don't Read Comics weekly roundup of the best and hottest titles as decided by our expert team of reviewers. This week Buffy the Vampire Slayer investigates a mysterious artifact, Batman and Flash delve into the Price of heroism, and Kieron Gillen sets the stage for a climactic conclusion in Wicked + The Devine.

Justice League #18 - B+

“James Tynion IV further implants himself as the next in line for the main Justice League title with yet another masterful take on the most sinister villains of The DC Universe. As the next arc dealing with the Justice League of the 6th Dimension begins next issue, now is the perfect time for anyone who hasn’t been reading to start. Between Snyder and Tynion, this flagship title continues to stand as the premier team book on store shelves.” - Rick Lopez

Read the rest of Rick’s review here!

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Incursion #18 - A+

“Between the glorious artwork of Doug Braithwaite and the combined efforts of Andy Diggle and Alex Paknadel, this mini-series stands to be both memorable but also a natural entry point into the Valiant comics universe for readers of all ages.” - Rick Lopez

Read the rest of Rick’s review here!

Flash 65 - B+

“In the end, this issue was mostly able to make up for the first three issues of the story having severe pacing issues, if only because Williamson was able to stick his landing and tie everything together nicely. Yes, the arc as a whole does come off as just a tie-in to the Heroes In Crisis event, but its conclusion manages to majorly affect the status quo of Flash’s life for the foreseeable future, and it hints at some exciting things to come in the “near future” for the DC universe.” - Christopher Landers

Read the rest of Christopher’s review here!

Wonder Woman #65 - B+

“Overall, this issue was a marked improvement over the last, which was a worrisome start to the new arc. So far, Wilson has been hit and miss, but she has produced more good issues than not, and her general understanding of Wonder Woman as a character is among the best in the history of this book. Hopefully, she is just getting her plan for the larger picture of her run together, and things will continue to even out.” - Christopher Landers

Read the rest of Christopher’s review here!

Oliver #2 - A-

“Whitta and company are beginning to show the potential in fusing Dickens’ classic with dystopian sci-fi in comic book format. There’s a balance here that could define the series if the creative team can find the right mix of drama, mystery, and brutality to navigate through the plot in the months to come.” - Russ Bickerstaff

Read the rest of Russ’ review here!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #2 - A-

“This installment of the new Buffy saga is a solid second issue. It continues the fresh tone of the first and expands the world appropriately. There are no fireworks just yet, but the issue lays the groundwork for some down the line.” - Jason A. Fleece

Read the rest of Jason’s review here!

Hex Wives #5 - A

“Tension is maintained throughout the issue until the end. With all the secrets finally out in the open, the final three pages set-up a vivid confrontation which should make for a suitably dramatic end to the series’ first 6 issues. Precisely where Blacker and  Andolfo take it from there is going to be interesting to see. A series so deeply entrenched in the mysteries of domestic incarceration might suffer a bit with all of the secrets out in the open unless Blacker can find something compelling for the series to transition into in issues to come.” - Russ Bickerstaff

Read the rest of Russ’ review here!

Man-Eaters #6- A+

“As it has a nontraditional mode of delivering quirky humor in narrative, Man-Eaters was going to take a while to develop a narrative rhythm. Now in is sixth issue, the series’ quirky narrative pattern has emerged. It’s enchantingly charming stuff which feels like it’s breathing fresh new life into an art form that’s been around for the better part of a century.” - Russ Bickerstaff

Read the rest of Russ’ review here!

Wolverine Infinity Watch #1 - A

Wolverine Infinity Watch #1 is a wonderful set-up for an intriguing story. In reality, this should have been the book to bring Wolverine back into the Marvel Universe proper. Duggan succeeds here where Charles Soule failed because he's not trying to add anything new to the character, but put him in a new situation, with stakes and characters that Logan has rarely had to deal with. Adding Loki to the mix is an inspired choice as well, as the two characters will play well off each other. Andy MacDonald's art is detailed and expressive and it will be great to see what he can do now that Duggan has gotten all the exposition out of the way. This is a pitch-perfect first issue.” - David Harth

Read the rest of David’s review here!

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Wicked + The Divine #42 - A

The Wicked + The Divine #42 drops some big reveals and lays out the path for the rest of the book. Beyond the reveals, there are other important moments that perfectly set the stage for the final act. Honestly, this issue is a masterclass for anyone who wants to write a story that not only reveals what it needs to but still delivers even more big moments that work with those reveals, neither overshadowing the other. The art is amazing as usual. It will be a sad day when this book ends, but if the ending is anything like what's come so far, it will be one for the ages.” - David Harth

Read the rest of David’s review here!

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