Justice League #36 // Review — You Don't Read Comics

Justice League #36 // Review


Scott Snyder, Francis Manapul, and legendary DC artist Howard Porter set the finale stage as this run draws nears its ultimate close. The trio continues to build a genuinely unforgettable series blending continuity with fresh new ideas. As the scales tip in favor of Doom, Justice must prevail to save the Multiverse. It's plain to see how much fun these creatives are having with the material. As the series brings the heart and scale in the vein of the much-beloved animated series.

With the Legion of Doom poised for success, all hope dwindles away for the collective DC heroes across space and time. Back at the Hall of Justice, the Trinity begins to work on a plan while Perpetua turns heel against the Legion of Doom to imbue Lex Luthor with the unimaginable power to stand at her side. With no other choice, Luthor betrays his once allies. Back in Space, Hawkgirl and her son Shayne lie at the hands of the Anti Monitor as John Stewart plans to save them both with the help of Barry Allen. As the forces standoff within the once glorious Metropolis now primed as the battlefield, the end is nigh.

Francis Manapul takes up art duty for the majority of this issue while Howard Porter fills in on only a handful of pages. The beautiful colorwork of Hi-Fi helps to blend the aesthetic into one look, albeit both artists stand dramatically apart from one another. With more of a setup issue this time around, the fast-paced action kicks the chapter off while the remainder is filled with beautiful large gatherings of heroes and mostly posturing. Although taking over for only four pages, Porter covers the most exciting material of the issue, such as Kendra and Shayne's fight for their lives against the Anti Monitor.

Scott Snyder continues to deliver excellent storytelling for these artists to truly flourish within while laying it on with his hammy dialogue. In what continues to be Snyder's best work with the company to date, this run will easily go down as one of the best in the League's mythos. From beautiful artistry and an expert combination of continuity and brand new concepts, this series proves time and time again why it is the premier team book on the market. With a finale only issues away, it will surely be a bittersweet ending nonetheless.

Grade: A

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