The Soskas have a very sophisticated grasp of what makes Black Widow such an interesting character.
All in Action
The Soskas have a very sophisticated grasp of what makes Black Widow such an interesting character.
A chapter that features a well-modulated conflict presented with an even-balanced pace that hurdles the series into its final segments.
A horrifyingly enjoyable issue-length celebration of revenge.
The story at the center of the action is genuinely impressive.
It’s a valiant attempt at covering the fallout of the death of a legendary villain.
A heroine edges further into darkness at the prospect of a criminal actually reforming.
Can Aquaman hold his own against the mother of all gods and retrieve his lost memories?
What’s been going on while Barry has been away?
How do you fight a giant? Use a bigger giant! Unfortunately, the strongest one Wonder Woman knows hates her guts...
It’s common knowledge that you don’t want to make a Hulk angry, but you should never make Captain Marvel angry either. An angry Captain Marvel will do whatever it takes to make sure her friends are safe and justice is served.
The issue has Conan and the Scarlet Witch in the middle of a very long journey.
The Avengers make a mess of Russia-based monsters in a fun, witty action issue.
A story that’s deeply grounded in personal drama.